Eastern Region Andalusian Horse Club

Celebrating 33 Years!
The Eastern Region Andalusian Horse club was founded in 1992 by a small group of people who shared a vision: Give Andalusian and Lusitano lovers a place to meet, learn, and share their love of these two breeds including partbreds with like-minded people as well as a place to find relevant Lusitano and Andalusian horse information.

Our Objectives
Promote harmony and mutual support among Andalusian/Lusitano horse owners, breeders, and admirers.
Be a social club dedicated to the showing, training, and promotion of the Andalusian/Lusitano horse.
Organize horse shows, educational clinics, and judging seminars.
Increase public interest, education, historical significance, and recognition of the unique attributes of the Andalusian/Lusitano horse.
Promote the interest and activity of youth in Andalusian/Lusitano horses and encourage their participation in the club's activities.

President: Susan Hart susankrupahart@proton.me
Vice Pres.: Linda Denniston crqhf2020@gmail.com
Secretary: Sarah Gill D'Orazio slgill23@gmail.com
Treasurer: Bruce Harbin erahctreasurer@proton.me
Directors: Carol Denny carol.denny@verizon.net
Holly Linz keepstables@yahoo.com
Patricia Norcia pnorcia@mac.com
Rosalie Wenckoski rwenckoski@1st.net
Tina Veder tveder@msn.com
Show Chair: Linda Denniston crqhf2020@gmail.com
Membership: Bruce Harbin erahctreasurer@gmail.com
Website: AmbrosiaDesign AmbrosiaDesign@proton.me
Our Officers, Board of Directors
and Committee Chairs

Creating a thriving online community

Technology has come a long way since the ERAHC was formed 3 decades ago. We hope you will utilize the wonderful features designed to bring our members closer together as we launch our new website.
Members Log-in area. Create your account. Share information about yourself, your interests, and involvement with Iberians with other members.
FEATURES: Breeder Spotlight, Trainer Spotlight, Stallions at Stud, New Foal Arrivals
CHAT it up. Here you can open a chat with other members, as well as create a specific CHAT ROOM or GROUP to communicate your plans around events and meet ups
RSVP & Tickets: Set up Reservations to an event or purchase your tickets online
CLASSIFIEDS. Buy and Sell. Place a classified ad for your wares, horses, services, and more.
ARTICLES. Share your knowledge and experience!
MEMBERSHIP. Manage your membership here.
VIDEO LIBRARY. Where Members share their videos.
CONNECT! Make new friends and clients, grow the community of like minded Iberian lovers!